Modmail offers an assort of customizations to make your Modmail bot unique to your server. Most customizations can be set with ?config, but some has its own special command, such as ?activity.



You may find all of the personalizable tweaks available for Modmail below:

All examples presume your prefix is ?.


Many of the customizations involves setting a custom message with no apparent way of setting to absolute nothing altogether; however, there is a workaround where you can set it to a “ZERO WIDTH SPACE”. (To obtain one:

Quick Navigation:

Command Prefix

Default: ?

There are two ways to change the prefix:

  • ?prefix !
  • ?config set prefix !

This both result in commands now prefixed with !, for example:


To reset the prefix back to default: ?config del prefix.

Bot Activity (Playing, Watching, Listening, Streaming)

Default: no activity

This is the message under your bot’s name.

To set the activity:

  • ?activity playing video games
  • ?activity watching TV @ home
  • ?activity listening to music
  • ?activity streaming Fortnite


  • listening must be followed my “to”.
  • When set to streaming, you may also set twitch_url to a valid URL under the domain
    • For example: ?config set twitch_url
    • The default twitch_url is an invalid URL: To reset to this default URL, do ?config del twitch_url.

To reset the activity to nothing: ?activity clear.


Bot Status (Online, Idle, Dnd, Invisible)

Default: no status

This is the state of your bot.

To set the status:

  • ?status online
  • ?status idle
  • ?status dnd, ?status do not disturb or ?status do_not_disturb
  • ?status invisible or ?status offline

To reset the status to nothing: ?status clear.


Sent Emoji


This is the emoji added to the message when when a Modmail action is invoked successfully (ie. DM Modmail, edit message, etc.).

There are two ways to set the sent emoji:

  • ?config set sent_emoji 🦊
  • ?config set sent_emoji :fox:

To disable the sent emoji all together, do:

  • ?config set sent_emoji disable

To reset the sent emoji back to default: ?config del sent_emoji.

Blocked Emoji

Default: 🚫

This is the emoji added to the message when when a Modmail action is invoked unsuccessfully (ie. DM Modmail when blocked, failed to reply, etc.).

There are two ways to set the blocked emoji:

  • ?config set blocked_emoji 🐶
  • ?config set blocked_emoji :dog:

To disable the blocked emoji all together, do:

  • ?config set blocked_emoji disable

To reset the blocked emoji back to default: ?config del blocked_emoji.

Close Emoji

Default: 🔒

This is the emoji the recipient can click to close a thread themselves. It is automatically added to the thread creation message in the DM channel. This only works when disable_recipient_thread_close is not set.

There are two ways to set the close emoji:

  • ?config set close_emoji 🍐
  • ?config set close_emoji :pear:

To reset the close emoji back to default: ?config del close_emoji.

Disable Recipient Thread Close

Default not disabled

Setting this configuration will disallow recipients from using the close emoji to close the thread themselves.

To toggle disable recipient thread close:

  • ?config set disable_recipient_thread_close yes


  • You must use the following method to remove disable recipient thread close, setting to no will not work.

To re-enable recipient thread close: ?config del disable_recipient_thread_close.

Reply Without Command

Default reply only with command

Setting this configuration will make all non-command messages sent in the thread channel to be forwarded to the recipient without the need of ?reply.

To toggle reply without command:

  • ?config set reply_without_command yes


  • You must use the following method to reply with command, setting to no will not work.

To re-enable reply without command: ?config del reply_without_command.

Main Color

Default: Blurple #7289da

This is the main color for Modmail (help/about/ping messages, subscribe, move, etc.).

There are three accepted format to set the main color:

  • ?config set main_color olive green
  • ?config set main_color 12de3a
  • ?config set main_color #12de3a


To reset the main color back to default: ?config del main_color.

Mod Color

Default: Green #2ecc71

This is the color of the message sent by the moderator, this applies to both in the DM and within the thread channel.

There are three accepted format to set the mod color:

  • ?config set mod_color neon purple
  • ?config set mod_color 6f7632
  • ?config set mod_color #6f7632


To reset the mod color back to default: ?config del mod_color.

Recipient Color

Default: Gold #f1c40f

This is the color of the message sent by the user (recipient), this applies to messages received in the thread channel.

There are three accepted format to set the recipient color:

  • ?config set recipient_color dark beige
  • ?config set recipient_color cb7723
  • ?config set recipient_color #cb7723


To reset the recipient color back to default: ?config del recipient_color.

Thread Creation Title

Default: Thread Created

This is the title of the message sent to the user upon a new thread is created in their DM channel.

To change the thread creation title:

  • ?config set thread_creation_title Thanks for contacting us!

To reset the thread creation title to default: ?config del thread_creation_title.

Thread Creation Message

Default: The staff team will get back to you as soon as possible.

This is the content of the message sent to the user upon a new thread is created in their DM channel.

To change the thread creation message:

  • ?config set thread_creation_response You will be contacted shortly.


  • Discord flavoured markdown is fully supported in thread creation message.

To reset the thread creation message to default: ?config del thread_creation_response.

Default: Click the lock to close the thread (recipient thread close enabled) or Your message has been sent (recipient thread close disabled)

This is the footer of the message sent to the user upon a new thread is created in their DM channel.

To change the thread creation footer:

  • ?config set thread_creation_footer Please Hold...

To reset the thread creation footer to default: ?config del thread_creation_footer.

Thread Close Title

Default: Thread Closed

This is the title of the message the user will receive when a thread has been closed by any means in their DM channel.

To change the thread close title:

  • ?config set thread_close_title Thank You!

To reset the thread close title to default: ?config del thread_close_title.

Thread Close Message

Default: <user> has closed this Modmail thread.

This is the content of the message the user will receive when a thread has been closed by a moderator. This is only used when recipient thread close is disabled.

There are three variables you can use within the thread close message:

To change the thread close message:

  • ?config set thread_close_response Your message is appriciated!

To use variables in the thread close message:

  • ?config set thread_close_response {closer.mention} has closed this thread, here's your log key: **`{logkey}`**.


  • Discord flavoured markdown is fully supported in thread close message.

To reset the thread close message to default: ?config del thread_close_response.

Thread Self Close Message

Default: You have closed this Modmail thread.

This is the content of the message the user will receive when a thread has been closed by themselves. This is only used when recipient thread close is enabled.

There are three variables you can use within the thread close message:

To change the thread self-close message:

  • ?config set thread_self_close_response You closed this thread...

To use variables in the thread self-close message:

  • ?config set thread_self_close_response {closer.mention} has closed this thread, here's your log key: **`{logkey}`**.


  • Discord flavoured markdown is fully supported in thread self-close message.

To reset the thread self-close message to default: ?config del thread_self_close_response.

Default: Replying will create a new thread

This is the footer of the message the user will receive when a thread has been closed by any means in their DM channel.

To change the thread close footer:

  • ?config set thread_close_footer Bye Now

To reset the thread close footer to default: ?config del thread_close_footer.

Start of Thread Mention (Thread Channel)

Default: @here

This is the message on top of the user information for when a new thread is created in the channel.

There are two methods to change the thread creation message:

  • ?config set mention Yo~ Here's a new thread for ya!
  • ?mention Yo~ Here's a new thread for ya!

To reset the thread creation message to default: ?config del mention.

Modmail Category

Default: MODMAIL (automatically created upon ?setup)

This is the category where all new threads will be created.

To change the Modmail category, you will need to find the category’s ID (

  • ?config set main_category_id 9234932582312 (where 9234932582312 is the category ID)


  • If the Modmail category ended up being non-existent/invalid, Modmail will break. To fix this, run ?setup again or set main_category_id to a valid category.

To reset the Modmail category back to the original: ?config del main_category_id.

Modmail Logging Channel

Default: bot-logs (under Modmail Category, automatically created upon ?setup)

This is the channel where all log messages will be sent (ie. thread close message, update message, etc.).

To change the channel for logging, you will need to find the channel’s ID (, this channel doesn’t necessary have to be under Modmail Category:

  • ?config set log_channel_id 9234932582312 (where 9234932582312 is the channel ID)


  • If the Modmail logging channel ended up being non-existent/invalid, no logs will be sent.
  • You cannot reset the logging channel back to default with ?config del.

To reset the Modmail logging channel back to the original: ?config set log_channel_id 9234932582312 (where 9234932582312 is the original logging channel ID).

Moderator Name Tag

Default: your highest role

This is the name tag in the “author” section of the embed for moderators. Both in the recipient DM and thread channel will show this tag for moderator messages.

To set a custom moderator name tag:

  • ?config set mod_tag Moderator

To reset the moderator name tag: ?config del mod_tag.

Indicate Moderator Typing

Default: no typing

When this is set to yes, when the moderator starts to type in the thread channel, the recipient user will see “[mod name] is typing…“.

To enable the moderator typing indication:

  • ?config set mod_typing yes


  • You must use the following method to remove moderator typing message, setting to no will not work.

To disable the moderator typing indication: ?config del mod_typing.

Indicate Recipient Typing

Default: no typing

When this is set to yes, when the recipient user starts to type in their DM channel, the moderator will see “[mod name] is typing…” in the thread channel.

To enable the recipient typing indication:

  • ?config set user_typing yes


  • You must use the following method to remove recipient typing message, setting to no will not work.

To disable the recipient typing indication: ?config del user_typing.

Required Discord Account Age

Default: no age threshold

The creation date of the recipient user account must be greater than the number of days, hours, minutes or any time-interval specified by this configuration.

To set the required discord account age:


  • The database only stores ISO-8601 Duration Format, readable time strings are converted by ?config set.

To remove the required discord account age threshold: ?config del account_age.

Anonymous Message Customizations

The following three customizations applies to anonymous replies.

Anonymous message layout

Anonymous User Avatar

Default: server avatar

This sets the avatar for the embed in anonymous replies.

To set the anonymous user avatar:

  • ?config set anon_avatar_url (you will need to upload the avatar to somewhere)

To reset the avatar back to default: ?config del anon_avatar_url.

Anonymous User Name

Default: Moderator Name Tag (see above)

This sets the name for the embed in anonymous replies.

To set the anonymous user name:

  • ?config set anon_username Incognito Mod

To reset the name back to default: ?config del anon_username.

Anonymous User Name Tag

Default: Response

This sets the name tag (“author” section) for the embed in anonymous replies.

To set the anonymous name tag:

  • ?config set anon_tag Moderator

To reset the name tag back to default: ?config del anon_tag.